Kevin's Pokemon Page for pokemon trainers who want to become masters!
These are some cheats for pokemon----Some of these are very helpful, i do not put cheats that could crash ur game such as missingno. or cloning pokemon
To make a greatball act as a masterball hold up and B when it is being thrown and after the pokemon is trapped.
To get 99 of any item first, return back to Viridian city and talk to the man who taught u how to catch weedle. Reply no to his question, then watch him catch weedle. Place the iem u want turned into 99 6th from the top of the iem list. Now fly back to cinnibar island and start surfing along he east coast of cinnibar. You will fight a wierd type of pokemon, u can kill him or run away from him, but do not catch him! when it is gone u will have over 100 of the item u had inn the 6th place from the top!
To get 3000 experience points u must do the trick above. But this ime keep surfing along the coast and u will fight monsters at lvl 175. Beat them and u will get 3000 exp. points!
To fight safari pokemon outside of the safari zone u first have to go into the safari zone. stand in the pach of grass with the pokemon u want in it and wait for the time to run out. Now fly to cinnibar island and surf up and down the rightside of the shoreline. Make sure u are half on shore and half in the water. U will fight safari pokemon! No more bait or rocks, its a fair fight.
U can fish in some statues by standing next to the statue and facing it and then using any type of rod. U can catch a lot of rare pokemon this way!
To get mew u must be on route 14 and 15. Make sure u have venusaur out and fight ditto. Before u do this make sure your team is in this order: venusaur,charmander,kadabra,dugtrio,raichu,and balstoise. Ditto will tansform into Mew. Quickly catch him and i will stay as Mew. I know this works because i have actually done it. If u do not believe me, try it yourselve. I think this only works in the blue version.
To get Blastiose Venusaur and charmander on your team, start a new game. Pick a pokemon and then catch pidgey or rattata. Go to a pokemon center and trade it to another gamboy. repeat this with all three pokemon and the other gamboy will have em all. This works best if u have a game that u havnt started so u dont have to erase it!
To get E Z exp. u can battle the elite 4. Keep fighting them and the exp. will be rolling in. I did his and all my pokemon are at lvl. 99. I have 149 pokemon bacuase me and my friend both chose the helix fossil so we will never be able to get the last pokemon we need.
To hit harder when attacking hold A and u will get a critical hit most of the time.
U can cut grass by using the cut Hm on a grassy area. This good for when u are really low on Hp or Attack power.
To evolve Kadabra into Alakazam, u must rade Kadabra to a friend. Let him get into a fight with it and then tell him to give it back. when he does, it will start evolving
Hint- Do not evolve pikachu into raichu until pikachu has reached lvl 60. The reason i tell u his is because pikachu is kooler lookin and raichu cant learn any new attacks!
The best monsters to choose at the beginning of the game are Bulbasuar or squirtle. The reason i say this is because those two do really good on the first boss. Charmander is good to pick if u r an expert because he eventually evolves into a dragon, and we all know that dragons are the best types of pokemon.
A pokedex for u, this could be useful... it is in number order ( in other words, it is in order the way the pokedex in the game would show it!)
bulbasaur-Plant/poison ivysaur-plant/poison venusaur-plant/poison charmander-fire charmeleon-fire charizard-Dragon/fire squirtle-water wartortle-water blastiose-water caterpie-bug metapod-bug butterfree-bug/poison weedle-bug kakuna-bug beedrill-bug/poison pidgey-flying/normal pidgeotto-flying/normal pidgeot-flying/normal rattata-normal raticate-normal spearow-flying/normal fearow-flying/normal ekans-poison arbok-poison pikachu-electric raichu-electric sandshrew-ground sandslash-ground nidoran,female-poison nidorina-poison nidoqueen-poison/ground nidoran,male-poison nidorino-poison nidoking-poison/ground clefairy-normal clefable-normal vulpix-fire nintales-fire jigglypuff-normal wigglytuff-normal zubat-poison/flying golbat-poison/flying oddish-grass/poison gloom-grass/poison vileplume-grass/poison paras-bug/grass parasect-bug/grass venonat-bug/poison venomoth-bug/poison diglett-ground dugtrio-ground meowth-normal persian-normal psyduck-water golduck-water mankey-fighting primeape-primeape growlithe-fire arcanine-fire poliwag-water poliwhirl-water poliwrath-water/fighting abra-psychic kadabra-psychic alakazam-psychic machop-fighting machoke-fighting machamp-fighting bellsprout-grass/poison weepinbell-grass/poison victreebel-grass/poison tentacool-water/poison tentacruel-water/poison geodude-rock/ground graveler-rock/ground golem-rock/ground ponyta-fire rapidash-fire slowpoke-water/psychic slowbro-water/psychic magnemite-electric magneton-electric farfetch'd-normal/flying doduo-normal/flying dodrio-normal/flying seel-water dewgong-water/ice grimer-poison muk-poison shellder-water cloyster-water/ice gastly-ghost/poison haunter-ghost/poison gangar-ghost/poison onix-rock/ground drowzee-psychic hypno-psychic krabby-water kingler-water voltorb-electric electrode-electric exeggcute-grass/psychic exeggutor-grass/psychic cubone-ground marowak-ground hitmonlee-fighting hitmonchan-fighting lickitung-normal koffing-poison weezing-poison rhyhorn-ground/rock rhydon-ground/rock chansey-normal tangela-grass kangashan-normal horsea-water seadra-water goldeen-water seaking-water staryu-water starmie-water/psychic mr.mime-psychic scyther-bug/flying jynx-ice/psychic electabuzz-electric magmar-fire pinsir-bug tauros-normal magikarp-water gyrados-water/flying lapras-water/ice ditto-normal eevee-normal vaporeon-water jolteon-electric flareon-fire porygon-normal onanyte-rock/water omastar-rock/water kabuto-rock/water kabutops-rock/water aerodactyl-rock/flying snorlax-normal articuno-ice/flying zapdos-electric/flying moltres-fire/flying dratini-dragon dragonair-dragon dragonite-dragon/flying mewtwo-psychic(SUPER STRONG)
Im putting a walkthough here... soon. In the mean while check out my other page, the links at the very bottem
Pallet Town Route 1 Viridian City Route 2 Viridian Forest Pewter City Route 3 Mt.Moon Route 4 Cerulean City Route 24 and 25 Sea Cottage Route 5 Route 6 Vermillion City S.S. Anne Route 11 Diglett's Cave Routes 9 and 10 Rock Tunnel Lavender Town Route 8 Route 7 Celadon City Game Corner Pokemon Tower Safferon City Silph Co. Route 12 Route 13 Routes 14 and 15 Fuchsia City Safari Zone Routes 16,17,and 18 power plant Routes 19 and 20 Seafoam Island Cinnibar Island Pokemon Mansion Route 21 Routes 22 and 23 Victory Road Indigo Plateau Unknown Dungeon